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On Fire with Linda Fields

ON FIRE with Linda Fields is a movement designed to calibrate, validate, and activate men and women who love God...putting God-inspired plans into action to carry out their callings. 

Consider the current state of the 7 spheres of influence (Business/Economy, Government, Education, Family, Arts, Media, and Church). For example, many leaders in government are for the choice to kill unborn babies. Numerous mainstream media icons are producing content that goes against the core beliefs of followers of Christ. Some educators are prohibiting prayer in schools. The list of instances, where the enemy has tried to take over, goes on and on. But it doesn't stop there. Suicide and depression rates are on the rise. Countless individuals say they struggle to find meaning and purpose in life. 

AND we, as Believers in Christ, have hope! God is faithful to finish the work He started. ON FIRE with Linda Fields exists to help you complete your God-given assignments and/ or help you determine what they are. Whether it's increasing your current sphere of influence or changing paths to walk into your God-given purpose, if you want to set the world ablaze through HIS power, join us at to get engaged.

Mar 29, 2021

Need a plan upgrade for your life and work?

Every Monday I go LIVE over on Facebook with my 7Mpact Monday morning and let's talk about your plans for success. #success #leadership #goals You can catch it LIVE or the replay over here:

Today I'm talking about overcoming hardships to make room...

Mar 23, 2021

Just when you think you have reached the end of your rope, wait! Don't quit!  God's got what you need. He'll feed you in your wilderness, strengthen your heart, body, and soul.  Rest in Him, drink deep from His word, and find strength for your next leg of the journey. 

Mar 15, 2021

Will you be one like David who leads others to victory in facing the giants of cancel, delete, and suppression of the light you carry?  Be a David today. Remember the stones, the tools, God has taught you to use. Forget trying to be like anyone else; don't try to fight today's wars in yesterday's armor. Rise up and know...

Mar 8, 2021

We are living in a time like none other in human history and God has chosen you to be here now. Amazing!!!  
Find out how to fulfill your life assignment in these unprecedented days by asking God about your life, His plans, and how to move forward. Prayer Plan Your Life walks you through a process to connect...

Mar 1, 2021

In the whirlwind of accelerating change, you must answer the hunger for "More" of what really matters in order to succeed in life. Rise above the noise and come away with Linda to gain confidence you need to succeed in your life.    
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