Dec 22, 2021
In this short and power packed podcast today, I'm bringing in Will Ford III to talk to us about how to view crisis differently. Every believer has an opportunity to see and release a kingdom solution in the midst of danger... if we will just open our eyes to see what God is saying. I pray today that you will move past...
Dec 15, 2021
There are times in our relationship with God where he will ask us to take a giant leap of Faith. He might ask us to do things that we think we aren’t equipped for at all, but God knows we are. It’s in these times where truly have to just say, “Okay God, I put my trust in you, lead me where you want me.” My...
Dec 8, 2021
Dec 2, 2021
The past two years have been hard for all of us. The pandemic has slowed a lot of things down, whether it be projects, business plans, or ideas. It has made a lot of us just feel defeated. Thankfully, we have God to lean on and continue to carry us. We are in a time where God is searching for leaders who are willing to...
Nov 24, 2021
When you think of your work environment, you might automatically think of how your office is set up or how your desk is organized. When things start feeling chaotic you might need to declutter your desk or reorganize a few things and start fresh. These are all great things to do to help your work life, but have you ever...